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Start Date:

July 2021

End Date:



60 months


Partner, Work Package 4 (WP4) Leader


GA Number: 965265

Title: pREVention and management tools for rEducing antibiotic Resistance in high prevalence SEttings.

Design: Prospective, multi-centre, cluster-randomized, stepped-wedge clinical trial in 24 hospitals of four European countries (Greece, Italy, Romania and Spain. 

Three complementary programmes will be implemented sequentially:

  1. 1. Microbiology and Diagnostic Stewardship (MDS) Programme,

  2. 2. Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) Programme and,

  3. 3. Antibiotic stewardship (ABS) programme.

Primary objective: to develop and implement strategies and tools for the prevention and clinical management of healthcare-associated infections (HAI) to due multidrug-resistant pathogens (MDRO).

The ABS programme will be coordinated by UNIVR in collaboration with the local ABS team with the aim at implementing basic best practice interventions (e.g., audit and feedback on compliance with guidance on antibiotic use, training on judicious antibiotic prescription, guidance documents on syndrome-specific treatment…). Furthermore, based on the baseline assessment advanced interventions will be explored for implementation and sustainability; the advanced activities coordinated by UNIVR are the integration of rectal screening results in both the decision-making process for empiric therapy for bloodstream infections in immunocompromised patients and for personalised prophylaxis before elective colorectal surgery.


Universitat Zurich (UZH) - SWITZERLAND (Coordinator)

Universita degli Studi di Verona (UNIVR) - ITALY

Servicio Andaluz de Salud (SAS) - SPAIN

Universitair Medisch Centrum Utrecht (UCMU) - NETHERLANDS 

The Foundation for Medical Research Infrastructural Development and Health Services next to the Medical Centre Tel Aviv (TASMC) - ISREAL

Universite de Geneve (UNIGHE) - SWITZERLAND

Department of Health (PHE) - UK

The Chancellor, Masters and Scholors of the University of Ocford (UOXF) - UK

Ethniko Kai Kapodistriako Panepistimio Athinon (NKUA) - GREECE

Universita degli Studi di Firenze (UNIFI) - ITALY

Fundacion Privada Instituto de Salud Global Barcelona (ISGLOBAL) - SPAIN

ID-CARE Participants

Evelina Tacconelli


Maela Tebon

Clinical Research Assistant

Ilaria Vecchietti

ID Resident

Eva Cappelli

Clinical Research Assistant

Elena Addis

Research Assistant

Ruth Joanna Davis

Project Officer

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Borgo Roma-Policlinico G.B. Rossi, Piazzale Antonio Ludovico Scuro, 10, 37134, Verona, Italy.

Borgo Trento-Ospedale Borgo Trento Piazzale Aristide Stefani, 1 - 37126, Verona, Italy

+39 045 8128243

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