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Organizational challenges and oncological activity volumes during the SARS-CoV-2 epidemic peak in Verona, Italy

Merler S, Zuliani S, Zampiva I, Tregnago D, Casali M, Cavaliere A, Fumagalli A, Riva ST, Rossi A, Zacchi F, Zaninotto E, Auriemma A, Pavarana M, Soldà C, Benini L, Borghesani M, Lo Cascio M, Tacconelli E,  Pilotto S, Milella M

Background: On February 23rd the first case of SARS-CoV-2 infection was diagnosed at the University Hospital Trust of Verona, Italy. On March 13th, the Oncology Section was converted into a 22 inpatient beds COVID unit and we had to reshape our organization and personnel to face the SARS-CoV-2 epidemic, while maintaining our oncological activity.

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